Content Writing Competition

The blend of perfect words gives the readers an urge to see things through reading. The life of words is both in the ink and inventive mind. One needs to have the attitude to research a lot, think about what to write and organize how to present them. This Content Writing Competition is about bringing such capabilities and motivating in writing.

Rules & Regulations

  • Participant Category:
    1. Senior: All up to 21-*****-1.
    2. Junior: 21-*****-2 to Rest.

▪︎ There will be two separate parts of the competition:
  1. Tech Content Writing
  2. Creative Content Writing
▪︎ Topic:
i. For Senior:
  1. Tech Content Writing: Robustness of Artificial Intelligence in the modern era.
  2. Creative Content Writing: Pragmatic view of traveling – present your thoughts on both good and bad sides and justify them.
ii. For Junior:
  1. Tech Content Writing: Metaverse and privacy concern – show the relationship between these two.
  2. Creative Content Writing: Acquiring knowledge through books or acquiring knowledge through work experience – give your opinion and justify it.
▪︎ Participants must answer both parts.
▪︎ The word limit of Tech Content Writing is a Minimum of 400 Words. Creative Content Writing does not have any minimum or maximum limit.
▪︎ Writings must be submitted in PDF format.
▪︎ The submitted files must follow this naming convention: ParticipantName_ID.pdf (E.g. JimSmith_21-12345-1.pdf)
▪︎ Writings will be checked for plagiarism.
▪︎ All submissions must be submitted by the deadline: 11:59 PM, 16th June 2023.

*** AIUB COMPUTER CLUB holds the right to make any changes to the rules and regulations without any prior notice to the participants.

Senior Section

All up to 21-*****-1

Junior Section

21-*****-2 to Rest